COVID19 Revelations, The God Experiment can Reggie Revelation prove the Existence of God?

As I Was Saying is a forum for a variety of perspectives to foster faith to demonstrate God’s Revelation in the world against COVID-19

1. How to prevention are being revealed through God.

Personally, I saw this COVID-19 pandemic as an opportunity to work on things I have been procrastinating on for my Foundation. It was a chance to put the finishing touches on ideas and concepts that I had not completed yet. Overall, I was trying to be productive with the time I’d been given regardless of the circumstances. In all of this, I realized I had allowed my ambition, excitement, and desires to be productive, though all good things, to help me to complete my time with the Lord. God was revealing to me to allowing my heart to worship and to tell the world to be close to him.

This also has presented an opportunity for many churches to remind themselves and others that the church is the body and not the building. Ministry don’t cease because we can’t use our buildings. This has reminded me just how important my daily devotion is. My personal commitment to Christ is not only Sunday commitment, but a lifestyle that must be a fasting & prayer.

Solution (i)

On March 2020, I was praying in the night before I went to bed,i asked God to show me the solution how to prevent and cure coronavirus God who normally answer my prayer during the day & night I’m definitely cherishing. In my revelation God took me up stair and show me 3 bags of water. We should fasting and prayer for 3 days, each day we should use 1 bow of water, use your mouth to satisfied the water and use it to take a bath with bar soap and take small towel to cleaned your body, trash bar soap and towel. Take your bable and read pslam 91. You must trust him as your God. God will surely prevent you.

2. How to cure COVID-19 are being revealed through God.

Many of us are going to come out of this crisis empowered and capable of doing things we would have never thought we could do. I can imagine our parents, brothers, sister who lost their lives and more that will help them in days to come. I’ve seen this play out in my life as well. I’ve taken this opportunity to work on other aspects of my foundation.

Solution (ii)

Fasting & prayer for 3 days and each day take a bow of water add salt , Use your mouth to satisfied the water and use it to take a bath with a bar soap, use a clean small tower to cleaned your body ,trash bar soap and towel , take your bible and read psalm 91. Trust him and commit your life to him. That evil disease will surely disapear in your body.

3. Deprivation can lead to gratitude

Many of us during this crisis are becoming much more appreciative of things and people we’ve taken for granted. People like health care professionals, grocery store workers, educators, and our own friends and family members. We’re being reminded of the essential role they all play in our lives.

We’re also being reminded of our own mortality and humanity. Living in the world can often shield us from the reality of rapid death. This virus has killed thousands of people and has spread throughout the world . For a lot of us, though we may not die from it, the reality that death is still inevitable is a reality check and avenue for gratitude to enter.

This has been a reminder of just how grateful I am for my upbringing and life experiences. They have allowed me the perspective to be content in these times. I’m originally from Imo State Nigeria, West Africa, which experienced a prostate cancer affected in my family .Even though I was remember how my father and senior brother dead prostate cancer , I’ve heard plenty of stories from my parents. It reminds me that life of parents just be gone just like that. Said ,Reggie Revelation 21:1-10